Monday, 22 June 2009

Kniting in Camberwell

Some of you maybe aware that an arts festival is happening in Camberwell this weekend. Yes? Good. If not then a number of venues around Camberwell are taking part in a open house style event and showcasing the cultural diversity of the area.

Crafty Creatures just stumblde upon this treat that may interest our South East London crew. At the Sun and Doves on Coldhabour lane there will be a massive stitch and bitch and knit fest on 25th June!

For more detail visit the camberwell arts festival website:

Craft corner

For all of you that miss crafternoon check out the Guardian's craft page. Its filled to the brim of handy hints and tints. Everything from making your own beads to guerrilla knitting.

here is a link:

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Time Out

The kind people at Time Out have listed our event, which is great but they got the address wrong. boo. Please note that St George the Marytr is in Borough - across the road from the tube station - and NOT in Holborn.

Closer got it right though! we love them.